As you know, you are allowed to revise Essay One and Essay Two. All you need to do is revise your essay and send me a clean copy (one without my comments). Attach it to an email and send it. When I grade revisions, I use the Compare Documents function of Word. I pull up your revised version and then compare it to your old one. Word shows me what exactly you did and did not change. If you wish to see your grade rise, you should do more than just treat my comments like a checklist. You should revise the entire essay and make it better from start to finish.
I do not comment on revised essays but will email you back with your grade and a brief description of why you received it. The grade on the revision replaces your original grade. If, for some reason, the grade on the revision is lower than your original grade, you will earn the highest of the two grades. You are only allowed to revise each essay once. If you send your revision to me early and do not like the grade you receive, you will not be able to revise again.
Revisions of both essays are due by noon on Friday, April 22, 2011. I will not accept late revisions for any reason. We all need to move on to other projects, so this deadline is final. You can revise and send each essay to me separately or together as long as I get everything by the final deadline.
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